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What If There's A Problem

Sometimes the sound or audio may be out of sync. Sometimes the audio may be ahead of the movie and sometimes the audio may lag behind. Either way, most of the time with a little patience you can fix this problem using the program, Nandub.

Nandub should be found in Start>Programs>Gordian Knot>Apps or if not, look in Program Files\GordianKnot\Nandub. Once you find Nandub.exe, run it and follow the steps below.

1. Open your DivX movie with the audio sync problem. File>Open video file...

2. Set Video>Direct stream copy and Audio>Direct stream copy.

3. Move slider on bottom of screen to a scene that has voice and lip movement. Select Edit>Set selection start. Move the slider just a little to select a short clip of the movie to process and test. Then select Edit>Set selection end.

4. Select Audio>Interleaving. Now you will adjust your settings and test it. It usually takes several tries to get it right.

If audio starts early, decrease the Preload value. You may want to start at 0. If it still starts too early, then use a positive value in the 'Delay audio track by' field. You may want to start at 500 or 1000. If it is still way off, you may want to try 5000 or even 10000. If you overshoot it then just reduce the value.

If audio start late, use a negative value in the 'Delay audio track by' field. You may want to start at -500 or -1000. If it is still way off, you may want to try -5000 or even -10000. If you overshoot it then just reduce the value.

Press OK.

5. Select File>Save as AVI... Give it a file name different than your original avi or it will overwrite you movie and all you will have left is your little clip. Press Save.

6. Test you clip. If it's not perfect,which would be a miracle if it was on your first try, then go back to step 4.

7. Once you get the audio in sync for the clip, you will need to process the entire movie. Move the slider all the way to the left (Edit>Move to beginning) then select Edit>Set selection start. Move the slider all the way to the right (Edit>Move to end) then select Edit>Set selection end.

8. File>Save as AVI... Use your test file name and test it before you overwrite your original avi file. Press Save. This may take around 2-4 minutes depending on your movie and processor speed.

9. Test it. Be sure to check the audio synchronization at the beginning, middle and end of the movie. If all is well rename whatever you want to call it and you are good to go.

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