Cinema Premiere online movie manager / DVD organizer. Import, organize, search, sort and play your movies on all types of media.
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Searching For Movies

Advanced Search (Search -> Advanced)


If you want to search for a movie with a specific title or keywords in the title, then enter the title or words in the title. For example, if you type in The Great Adventure, it will search for all the movies whose title contains the words "great adventure" or contain "great" and "adventure". Insignificant words are ignored and all searches are case insensitive.


If you want to search for movies with a specific director, then enter the director's name, either the entire name or part of the name. For example, if you type in John Green, it will only find those movies whose director's name contains "John Green", such as "Big John Green" or "John Greene" as well as an exact match. If you typed in John, it would find all directors whose name contains "john". All searches are case insensitive.


If you want to search on keywords in a plot, then enter each keyword or groups of words separated by a comma. For example, if wanted to find all the Christmas movies, you might type in Christmas,santa,reindeer and it would find all the movies whose plot contains the words christmas, santa or reindeer. All searches are case insensitive.


The Notes field for each movie can contain any information you want associated with the movie, such as the quality of the DivX file or who you have loaned the DVD to and the date you loaned it. This information can be added to the movie from the Tools -> Edit -> Single screen.

If you want to search on a keyword or keywords then enter each keyword or groups of words separated by a comma. For example, if wanted to find all the movies loaned out to your friend Bob you could enter Bob in the notes field and select Media type "On Loan". All searches are case insensitive.


If you want to search for an actor then enter the actor's name, either the entire name or part of the name. If you want to search for multiple actors, separate their names by a comma. For example, if you are in the mood to watch a movie starring Chris Farley or Jack Black then you could type in Chris Farley,Jack Black or if you typed in Farley,Black, you get all the movies starring anyone with farley or black in their name. All searches are case insensitive.


Each movie that has had the IMDb information imported will have a rating certification given by the Motion Picture Association of America. If a rating was not provided when imported in, an "undefined" rating will be given to that movie. To search for specific MPAA ratings or from a range of ratings select an piton from the drop down menu.

If your parental control password is set and you select 'R', 'NC-17' or 'All' (since 'R' and 'NC-17' would be included), you will be prompted for your password.

User Rating keeps an overall average of their users' ratings for each movie on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best. If you want to search for movies depending on the users ratings, then select a range from the drop down menu.

Personal Rating

The Personal Rating field is a rating from 1-10 that you have given to the movies you have seen. This field can be edited from either the Tools -> Edit -> Single screen or from the List or Summary views on any search screen. If you want to search for movies depending on your rating, then select a range from the drop down menu.


The seen field for each movie is set to either seen or not seen. Not seen is the default. This field can be edited from either the Tools -> Edit -> Single screen or from the List or Summary views on any search screen. If you want to search for movies depending on whether you have seen it or not, then select either Seen or Not Seen from the drop down list.


Currently you have four options when searching on the year the movie was released. 'All' searches for any year. 'Current' means released this year. 'Recent' means released in the last 5 years and 'Classic' means released more than 20 years ago.


You can search for the exact year the movie was released by entering the year in the format of yyyy.

Added After

If you wish to search for movies that you added to your movie database after a certain date, enter the date in the format of mm/dd/yyyy. Note: All months and days must be entered as two digits.


Each movie can have up to five genres defined for it. For example, Shrek has 5 genres defined: Adventure, Romance, Animation, Fantasy and Family. Some movies only have one. There are 19 genres pre defined by imdb and you can define your own additional genre on the Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneous screen.

If you want to search for a specific genre, just select the genre from the list. You can access the items in the list by clicking on the up or down arrows. If you want to select multiple genres to search for, hold down the Ctrl key while you select the genre.


The Media field contains the list of media type defined by you. When a movie name is imported from a text file, the media type can be defined on the first or second line of the text file in the format of '::media type'. If the movie name is a movie file on your hard drive then the media type will default the the file extension if no media type is defined in the text file. When adding a movie with a media type that is not already defined in the media list, the media type will automatically be added to the list for you.

When you add a single movie, you are required to select a media type for that movie. If the media type you want is not in the list, you can add it to the Media Types list from the Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneous screen.

If you want to search for a specific media type, just select the media type from the list. You can access the items in the list by clicking on the up or down arrows. If you want to select multiple media types to search for, hold down the Ctrl key while you select the media type.


Search on the location where the movie is located or stored. The search command looks for all locations that contain the string you are searching for. In other words, if you have two similar locations such as "shelf" and "left shelf" and you search for the location "shelf", it will find all movies with the location "shelf" and "left shelf."

The location field for each movie is entered by the user either when the movie is added or later from the edit screen. A list of possible locations can be maintained on the the Options -> Miscellaneous screen.

When a movie is added from the Add Multiple or Import Text screen and a movie location is provided, the movie location is automatically added to the locations list on the Options Misc. screen if it is not already there. Also, from the Edit screen, if a movie location is entered in the text field it is automatically added to the locations list on the Options Misc. screen if it is not already there.

An additional feature on the Options Misc. screen allows you to search your existing movie database and it will automatically added to the locations list on the Options Misc. screen any movie locations found that were not already there.

Each location name can be no more than 15 characters long.


Search on the language the movie was recorded in. You can access the items in the list by clicking on the up or down arrows. If you want to select multiple languages to search for, hold down the Ctrl key while you select the language.


Search on the country the movie was produced in. You can access the items in the list by clicking on the up or down arrows. If you want to select multiple countries to search for, hold down the Ctrl key while you select the country.


You can sort the search results by several different criteria in either ascending or descending order. Ascending order is from a-z and from 0-9. Descending order is from z-a and 9-0.

then by

You can sort on the sorted search results by several different criteria in either ascending or descending order. Ascending order is from a-z and from 0-9. Descending order is from z-a and 9-0. For example, you can sort by MPAA rating in the main sort and by Title Asc in the second sort field so all your G rated movies will be alphabetized and all your PG rated movies will be alphabetized and so on.


The GO button will start the search on your movie database and display the search results in the format selected in your View list.

When the search has completed, you can press the arrow down button to expand the search fields and press the arrow up button to compress them again.

See Searching For Movies for more details on the View, Movies per Page, Export to txt File, Print and Print All.

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