Cinema Premiere online movie manager / DVD organizer. Import, organize, search, sort and play your movies on all types of media.
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Setting Options

Display (Tools -> Options -> Display)

In each of the fields you can enter either a HEX color value (with or without a preceding '#') or you can enter a valid color name. The color will change in the color box when you click off the field.

Clicking on the color box next to the field will open up a color picker screen where you can choose what color you like. When you select a color, the screen will close, the hex value of the selected color will be moved to the field,
and the color box will display the new color.

You can also press the 'View Colors on the Web' button to take you to a website called Web Colors 3 in 1 Color Picker. It has an excellent selection of color values and names, where you can get the hex value or color name of many, many colors. When you find a color you like, press the 'save' button on the website, then press the 'recall' button. A screen will pop up with your hex color value. You can copy and paste that value into the Options -> Display field.

Level 1 Selected Button and Background

This field defines the color of the top level background and selected button.

Level 1 Non Selected Buttons

This field defines the color of the top level non selected buttons.

Level 2 Selected Button and Background

This field defines the color of the second level background and selected button.

Level 2 Non Selected Buttons

This field defines the color of the second level non selected buttons.

Level 3 Selected Button and Background

This field defines the color of the bottom level background and selected button.

Level 3 Non Selected Buttons

This field defines the color of the bottom level non selected buttons.

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